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+94 76 3828387

522, Dehigastalawa,

Balangoda Sri Lanka

Monday - Sunday

8.00 AM - 10.00 PM

+94 76 382 83 87


Sapphire Serandib

Exquisite Gems Discover Beauty, Elegance, and Brilliance

Welcome to Sapphire Serandib, your gateway to exquisite gemstones. Explore the allure and enchantment of our carefully curated collection. From vibrant sapphires to rare treasures, we offer timeless beauty that captures the essence of elegance. Discover the world of gemstones and embark on a journey of exceptional craftsmanship and enduring allure.

Our Vision

Global leaders, redefining elegance with an extensive collection of exquisite gemstones, inspiring the world.

Our Mission

Unleashing gemstone allure through exceptional craftsmanship, creating captivating experiences.

why choose us

Why Choose Us for Your Exquisite Treasures

Welcome to our gemstones website, where we take pride in offering an unparalleled experience in the world of exquisite treasures. Here’s why you should choose us:


Extensive knowledge and up-to-date expertise in gemstones and gemology.

Unmatched Quality

Strict quality control for genuine, high-quality gemstones.

Client Satisfaction

Excellent service, personalized assistance, and seamless experience.


Transparent, Fair Pricing, Accurate Descriptions, Long-Term Relationships

What Clients Say

When you hire our firm to manage your case, you have hired a team of legal advocates who care, who will keep you informed, who will fight for you

Sapphire Serandib

Journey into Gemstone Splendor: Sri Lanka's Treasured Delights

If you have questions for our experts, just leave a request or contact us by contact phone +94 76 382 83 87

Frequently asked questions

Client Popular Question


Immerse yourself in the enchanting world of gemstones in Sri Lanka, a land renowned for its exceptional treasures. Discover vibrant sapphires, mesmerizing rubies, and other exquisite gems, 

Frequently asked questions

Client Popular Question

What is the significance of Sri Lanka in the world of gemstones?

Sri Lanka is renowned for its gem-rich land, offering a wide variety of high-quality gemstones. It has a long history of gem mining and is particularly known for its exceptional sapphires.

How can I determine the authenticity and quality of a gemstone?

Authenticity and quality can be determined through gemstone certifications from reputable gemological laboratories. These certifications assess factors like color, clarity, cut, and carat weight, ensuring you get a genuine and valuable gemstone.

What are the factors to consider when buying a gemstone?

When buying a gemstone, consider the 4Cs: color, clarity, cut, and carat weight. Additionally, evaluate the reputation of the seller, ask for certifications, and inquire about any treatments or enhancements performed on the gemstone.

How should I care for my gemstone jewelry?

To care for gemstone jewelry, avoid exposing it to harsh chemicals or extreme temperatures. Clean it with mild soapy water and a soft brush, and store it separately to prevent scratches. Periodic professional cleaning and inspection are also recommended.

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